Welcome to Camp Harvestivus!
"Wait a second...Camp Harvestivus? I thought Harvestivus was just your typical Oktoberfest-style entertainment."

While last year's Harvestivus had the air of a traditional German-style harvest festival, this year, we've decided to make it our own. We're still using the name, Harvestivus, and tapping our Oktoberfest beer during the week, but we're adding a scouting angle. We've harkened back to our youth, where days were spent learning new skills, having fun and achieving goals.
Join our merry band of beer scouts for an entire week of Camp Harvestivus fun. You'll have the opportunity to earn Merit Stamps by completing challenges for prizes. The more stamps you earn, the more and better the prizes.
"What kind of challenges are we talking about?"

Beer it backwards (pay it forward): Buy a beer for a perfect stranger in line behind you or at the bar.
515 Athlete: Prove you ran or biked to 515. Or do 20 jumping jacks in the taproom.
Owner Brandon Selfie: Find 515 Owner Brandon and take a selfie with him. Post to social and tag 515 Brewing. Must be taken and posted the week of Harvestivus.
To become a beer scout you must get your Participation Stamp first by purchasing your Harvestivus wooden coaster for $1.
Check out the full challenge list and prizes here.
"I see for one of the challenges there is an opportunity to donate to the Iowa Homeless Youth (IHYC) Rooftop Gardens. What is this?"

For one of our merit stamp challenges, we wanted to encourage you to donate to a local cause with a harvest angle. We couldn't be more excited for Iowa Homeless Youth Center's Rooftop Garden project. The program will provide employment opportunities, access to locally grown healthy foods and food and nutrition education to transition-age homeless or low-income youth (ages 16-22). The gardens will include a combination of hydroponic growing systems (inside of a year-round functioning greenhouse), raised beds and vertical growing techniques on top of their downtown Des Moines location.
In addition to growing food for themselves, the youth apprentices will operate the growing, harvesting, and packaging of the organic herbs, that will be distributed to local grocery stores, markets, and other retailers to sell to consumers. After construction and initial operating expenses, the Rooftop Gardens will be a self-sufficient program.
Even if you don't participate in our merit stamp challenges, we hope you'll consider donating a few bucks to help get this worthwhile project off the ground.
Learn more about the program here.
"What if I'm not wild about doing the challenges? (Asking for a friend.)"

9/11 - Trivia with a Charity Twist, 6 p.m. Bring in a new or gently used book, suitable for kids 11-14, and receive half off your first beer.
9/13 - Harvestivus Tapping (with special ceramic steins!), 5:15 p.m.
9/14 - 2017 Anniversary Bottle Release (it’s only 6 mos. late), 5:15 p.m. Limit 2/person. Buy 2 and get free beer coupon. (Stout of the Closet, our imperial stout, aged 6 mo. in Buffalo Trace barrels.)
9/15 - Growler Happy Hour, 2 - 5 p.m., $2 off all growlers
Get full details here.
Join us for Camp Harvestivus week. You won't want to miss the fun. Cheers!
Camp Harvestivus
September 11th - 17th, 2017During normal business hours
Written by:
Cinnamon Rost (yes, that is my real name)
Marketing/Design Director || 515 Fan Support || Girl Friday